Oscars 2006

78th Annual Academy Awards Show Opener

A captivating visual journey through Hollywood's storied past, featuring iconic legends and unforgettable moments, broadcasted globally on the prestigious Academy Awards night and a winner of the Emmy award for Main Title Design

And then…

A chance encounter can change everything; it can turn the tides, change your direction and lead to something extraordinary and beautiful.

My journey into the world of digital art started when I was around 10 with Art Studio on my old Commodore 64 (yep, we drew pixel by pixel with a joystick), but back in 2000, I was extremely passionate about 3D graphics and rendering. I poured endless hours of practice, determination, and the insatiable hunger to learn more about this relatively new and growing medium.

Over the years, I had honed my skills, and it wasn't long before I found myself mentoring a young, talented artist named Davor Habajec. As fate would have it, after some time, Davor got a job at Luminus Studio, a prestigious production company known for its dazzling visual effects and awe-inspiring creations.

It was a dream come true for him, and I couldn't have been prouder as his mentor.

The journey began

One fateful day, Davor approached me with an opportunity that would change my life forever. Luminus Studio had been commissioned to create the show opener for the Annual Academy Awards, and they needed someone with my unique skill set to bring their vision to life.

The project was ambitious, blending the glamour of old Hollywood with the boldness of modern-day cinema. The stakes were high, but I knew I couldn't let this chance pass me by.

The video would feature iconic scenes from classic films, with a parade of legendary actors and actresses gracing the screen as their most memorable characters; the legends and superstars whose performances had left an indelible mark on the history of cinema.

From the likes of Audrey Hepburn and James Dean to Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks, each actor was masterfully integrated into the video; their iconic roles were brought to life through stunning visual effects.

The project was monumental, but I was fueled by passion, determination, and the knowledge that I was contributing to a piece of Hollywood history. The concept was simple yet breathtaking (at least for my part of the project)

- to create city environments that evoked the nostalgia of old Hollywood while seamlessly transitioning into the modern era.

Let's Make Hollywood

As the days seamlessly merged into weeks, our project steadily transformed from a mere concept into a tangible creation. The cityscape, once existing only in our imaginations, now confidently graced the screen, its meticulously crafted scenes of old Hollywood evoking a palpable sense of nostalgia.

Yet, it wasn't solely the environments that encapsulated the essence of Hollywood.

The true enchantment originated from the characters inhabiting this world—the legendary and iconic actors whose unforgettable performances had forever carved their names into the annals of cinema. We breathed life into each detail we added and imbued them with the same passion and intensity that had once held audiences spellbound on the silver screen.

Test Renders

The Grand Finale

The final video was nothing short of breathtaking. It was a love letter to the magic of Hollywood, a tribute to the legends who had graced the silver screen and the creators who had brought their visions to life.

It was a celebration of the art form that had captured the hearts and minds of audiences around the world, a testament to the power of storytelling and the beauty of the human spirit.

Final Video

When the show opener was broadcast on Oscars night, it captivated audiences around the world, leaving them in awe of the beauty and nostalgia it evoked. The response was overwhelming, and as the accolades began to pour in, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.

The show opener had achieved the unthinkable, winning an Emmy award for main title design.

To top it off, I was personally honored by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) for my contribution to the Emmy-winning achievement.

Client: Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

Production: LUMINUS STUDIO for BLT Communications, inc.


  • Emmy Award for Outstanding Main Title Design

  • Three Telly Awards - in Live Event, Use of Animation, and Recognition of Achievement categories

  • Festo 2006, Special Achievement Award

Excerpts From the Video

It always goes both ways

My journey with the Annual Academy Awards show opener and Luminus Studio was one of most defining moments in my career and enriched my life in ways I could never have imagined. It was a reminder that sometimes, the most remarkable opportunities can be found in the most unexpected places and that the connections we forge can shape our lives in profound and lasting ways.

It was a reminder that when you give, the whole world opens to you at some point.

As I continue to explore the boundless possibilities of art, design, and engineering, I carry with me the memories of that magical project and the lessons it taught me. And I strive to pay it forward, mentoring and inspiring the next generation to reach new heights and create their own masterpieces.

.. and while I teach, I also learn. A circle, not a line, connects the mentor and apprentice. This enrichment always goes both ways.

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