NFL PlayOffs

Rock fueled show opener for the NFL Playoffs on NBC

Throwback and dive into the heart of the NFL Play-Offs 2006 show opener video with P!nk's electrifying performance

The P!nk

I still remember the day I received the call from Luminus Studio asking me to be a part of something incredible: the creation of the show opener video for the 2006 NFL Play-Offs on NBC featuring P!nk in it.

Since we had such a great streak with the 78th Annual Academy Awards show opener and NBA Finals show opener video, both of which were highly acclaimed and well-received by audiences and critics alike, I really couldn't pass up this exciting opportunity to collaborate with the talented team at Luminus Studio once again.

The concept for the video was to create a rock'n'roll-inspired world infused with the energy and excitement of American football. Our goal was to combine the powerful performances of global superstar P!nk with the raw emotion of the sport itself.

This video would capture the essence of the playoffs and resonate with audiences across the globe, showcasing the thrilling atmosphere, the intense action on the field, and the strong dedication of the athletes as they fought for the ultimate prize.

Let's dig in

The creative process was both exhilarating and a bit exhausting. The deadlines were short, but our shared passion for the project kept us going, fueling our determination to create something truly remarkable.

I knew that every ounce of effort I put in would be reflected in the final product, and I was committed to making my mark on this historic piece of work, dedicating myself fully to every aspect of the creative journey.

The Stadium

Throughout the project, I had the opportunity to work on several aspects of the video; however, the most memorable part of the project for me was the final scene. I was responsible for creating the epic conclusion, a moment that would leave a lasting impression on viewers around the world.

The scene featured a gigantic stadium packed with fans united by their love for the game. Finally, with final touches of Renato Grigic and Kristijan Petrovic, as the camera pulled towards it, revealing the enormity of the moment, the crowd rushed into the stadium, creating a tidal wave of humanity and emotion.

Test RenderS

To make this scene a reality, I worked closely with Kristijan Petrovic, creative director of Luminus at the time, brainstorming ideas and meticulously planning every detail.

It was a delicate balance between artistic vision and technical execution. I knew that I had to bring my A-game, and I couldn't afford to let all the guys from the team down.

Play Ball!

The day of the play-offs finally arrived, and as the video played on the screen, I watched in awe as the fruits of our labor unfolded before my eyes.

The rock'n'roll world we had created pulsed with the energy of the game, and Pink's powerful performance was a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence.

Final Video

Client: NFL, NBC

Production: LUMINUS STUDIO for BLT Communications, inc.

When the final scene played and the crowd rushed into that gigantic stadium, my heart skipped a beat. It was a moment of pure magic, the culmination of months of hard work and dedication. I knew then that we had achieved something truly special.

Even today, each time I hear the unmistakable voice of P!nk on the radio or television, a cascade of memories envelops me, awakening a profound sense of gratitude for every cherished moment I devoted to crafting this masterpiece of art.

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